It’s Hard Out Here For a Parent.

If your family is anything like mine, mornings can be a bit crazy. The alarm clock rings out jolting everyone from sleep at the latest possible second. Everyone groggily stumbles out of bed and into their daily routines. Backpacks are stuffed with textbooks and assignments, lunches are hastily packed, and shoes are frantically slipped on as we rush to beat the clock. At some point, we remember breakfast and make our way into the kitchen to hurriedly inhale some combination of cereal, bagels, or oatmeal so that we can finally rush out the door. The day waits for no one.

That’s only the beginning of the whirlwind of the day’s obligations. My wife and I shuttle between meetings, calls, deadlines, and emails while the kids navigate the demands of school, sports, homework, and friendships. And don’t even get me started on those extra things that like to creep in from time to time. You know the PTA meetings, the doctor’s appointments, and the video calls for gymnastics.

By the time evening rolls around, we’re ready to crash! But not so fast my friend! There’s still dinner to make, more homework to do, showers to be taken, and books to be read, all against the sound of that ticking clock that never seems to slow down screaming, Faster! Faster!”

In the midst of this, it’s easy for important things like spiritual conversations and family discipleship to get lost in the shuffle. The chaos of daily life has left many families longing for a sense of connection and purpose—a moment of stillness amidst the storm. But with schedules packed to the brim and obligations pulling us in every direction, finding the time and energy to prioritize these things can feel like an impossible task.

Yet God’s word is clear that it is our responsibility as parents to lead our children toward a lasting faith. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 says, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

Even amidst the chaos of our daily lives, God calls us to prioritize spiritual growth and connection within our families. This isn’t just another thing to add to our to do list, a direct call placed on our lives by God. But can we possibly do that when our days are filled to the brim with commitments and obligations that seem to pull us away from this type of connection? How do we carve out space for these deep meaningful conversations about faith when it feels like there’s barely enough time to do the simple things… like breath?

The answer is right there in the passage, “Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” We must find creative ways to bring these conversations into the regular moments of our day. We have to repurpose the space we have and point it toward Jesus. Think about your morning commute. How do you fill that time? Are you filling it with pop music while the kids stare at their phones? Or are you having conversations that build relationships and frame the day? What about that few minutes between school and practice? Is everyone off in their room isolated from one another? Or are you taking that time to engage as a family, talk about the day, and make a meaningful connection? All of these moments can be part of those, “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” moments.

Discipling our kids is our responsibility and to do that, we must find creative ways to engage with scripture and in spiritual conversations as a family. We need to create rhythms and practices that can fit seamlessly into our everyday lives, enriching our spiritual journey and deepening our connection with God and one another. So, get creative and take back those moments that we often overlook and point them toward purposeful conversations that will become the bedrock of a lasting faith.

Need help with that? Check out “Firm Foundations: Creative Ways to Build a Family Culture of Scripture Engagement,” my new book dedicated to helping you find creative ways to connect with your family around scripture and spiritual moments.

This book is filled with a collection of practices designed to help families engage with scripture in meaningful and impactful ways. From Bible verse games to artistic expression, from family devotionals to memory verse competitions, each exercise offers a unique opportunity for families to connect with God’s word and with each other.

But “Firm Foundations” isn’t just another item to add to your to-do list. It’s a roadmap for weaving scripture your family’s everyday moments, creating lasting memories and deepening your faith along the way. So if you’re ready to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and connection with your family, “Firm Foundations” is the perfect place to start.

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