
When I was in high school, my bed was a futon. This is never a wise choice but, I wanted my room to be more like a living room by day but have the ability to quickly turn back into a bedroom at night. As a side note, a futon doesn’t make a great bed or couch. It’s actually pretty bad at both. There’s probably some good life application to that truth, but that’s not the point of this post. So, I digress. My particular futon was metal and had a tubular design that looked like those steel security barriers that are used outside of large sporting events. So, this “bedcouch” was actually a better fence than bed… or couch. One night, as I slept unsuspectingly, this design was going to play a major role in one of the most frightening moments I’ve ever experienced.

Before we get to that, there’s one more thing you need to know. One of my dad’s best friends was a police officer and he would regularly drive through our neighborhood at night while he was on patrol. On this particular night, he decided to stop by our house and talk to my dad for a few minutes. While he was there, they must have realized I had fallen asleep and hatched their diabolical plan to play a joke on a clearly defenseless teenager! They snuck into my room and handcuffed one of my arms to the bed frame. Before they had time to step away, I woke up. It didn’t take long for me to realize my predicament. While I knew my arm was being restrained, I had no idea what was actually happening. Confusion and terror clouded my senses. I thrashed about, desperately attempting to free my arm. It took considerable effort from them, but they eventually calmed me down and removed the cuffs amidst laughter. Well, they laughed. Over two decades later, I can’t help but laugh as well. Kind of.

As I think about that story and observe it from twenty years later, I wonder why I was so afraid in the moment. I was in my home, in my room, surrounded by family – seemingly safe by all measures. Had I been awake, this prank would have elicited laughter, not sheer panic. So, why did I react as if I was being actively tortured? Simple, because I was asleep.

The boundary between dream and reality tends to blur in the liminal state between sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes to the point where the difference between the two is indistinguishable. In some more extreme occurrences, no matter how outlandish the dream actually is, it feels like reality. In my in between state, I had no idea what was real, what was imagined, where I was, or what was really happening around me. All I knew was the urgency to break free. In reality, I was safe; all I needed was to stop struggling so they could remove the cuffs. Looking back, I realize there were things I wish I had understood in that moment. But what I’ve come to realize is this:

When we’re asleep, it’s nearly impossible to see the truth.

As I look back on that late-night prank, I’ve realized there were some deeper spiritual truths God was showing me in the midst of that chaos. Today, it serves as a reminder to stay alert, not just physically, but to the spiritual realities all around us.

In Ephesians 5:14, Paul urges us to “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” This call to wakefulness is a call to spiritual alertness, to be vigilant against the enemy, the prowling adversary described in 1 Peter 5:8-9: “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith.”

So how do we heed this call to wakefulness in our spiritual lives?

Make time for prayer and Scripture.

Just as a good night’s sleep leaves us refreshed and ready to face the day, spending time in prayer and diving into the Word of God gives life to our spirits and equips us to navigate the challenges of life with clarity and discernment. Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” A commitment to regular prayer and meditation on Scripture not only strengthen our relationship with God but also bring us peace and guard our hearts and minds against anxiety and doubt.

Commit to authentic community and true accountability

Just as my dad’s friend played this prank on me while I was vulnerable, the enemy seeks to exploit our weaknesses and lead us astray. By surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who can offer support, encouragement, and accountability, we fortify ourselves against the schemes of the enemy. Hebrews 10:24-25 emphasizes the importance of gathering together as believers, stating, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Engaging with a true community of believers provides us with strength and support to resist temptation and stay focused on following Jesus, as we mutually encourage and uplift one another in our spiritual journey.

Invite God to search our heart and point out our blindspots

We must open ourselves to His examination, allowing Him to illuminate any areas where we may be vulnerable to deception or distraction. Just as I grappled with the confusion of that night, we must confront the lies and temptations that attempt to lead us astray from the truth of God’s Word. In Psalm 139:23-24 David prays, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” This can be an intimidating prayer to pray but, inviting God to search our hearts demonstrates humility and a willingness to submit to His guidance and correction. It enables us to identify and address areas of weakness or sin, allowing Him to lead us in the path of righteousness and everlasting life.

In the end, staying spiritually alert requires intentionality and effort. But as we heed the call to wakefulness, we can rest assured that the light of Christ will shine upon us, guiding our steps and illuminating the path to His truth and the eternal life that comes from Him.


1Look, I am a big fan of sleep. I’m not telling you not to sleep, that’s important.

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