Lazy Baking and Potential Kitchen Fires

Do you have one of those drawers in your kitchen with all the boxes of rolled things in it? We all have that drawer right? Mine is currently stocked with aluminum foil, cling wrap, parchment paper, and wax paper. One day, in a fervent quest to avoid scrubbing a pan, I reached for the parchment. Unfortunately, my search came up empty. So, I grabbed what I thought would be the next best thing—wax paper. Little did I know, this choice would ignite a culinary crisis, and remind me that despite their similarities, each of these products has its own place in the kitchen.

As my culinary masterpiece sizzled in the oven, the wax paper, clearly protesting its newfound role, started releasing an alarming aroma. The kitchen filled with the scent of my mistake and I immediately pulled the pan from the oven. Thankfully, there was no fire but takeout became the only hope for a decent dinner. In the midst of the chaos, I was hit with a fragrant reminder that much like these kitchen essentials with distinct functions, we, too, have a unique role to play in the body of Christ.

So what does this collection of kitchen products teach us about the body of Christ? I’m glad you asked!

We all have a shared purpose:

As members of the body of Christ, our collective mission is to love God and extend that love to others. Matthew 22:37-39 encapsulates this calling, urging us to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This shared purpose serves as the foundational thread that binds us together, transcending our individual roles and differences. Just as each of these kitchen products contributes to making culinary tasks more convenient, efficient, and versatile, we all share the common purpose of loving God and others.

You were created for a unique purpose

While we’re all part of a shared purpose, we were also each crafted for a unique purpose. Just as each kitchen essential serves a distinct role in food preparation and storage, God, the master craftsman, has uniquely fashioned you for a specific purpose. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us of the artistry inherent in our individual callings, emphasizing that we are God’s creation, skillfully endowed with unique gifts and talents. In the kitchen, its critical to chose the right tool for the job. In the same way, we as individuals are most effective when we pursue and live out the unique purpose God has prepared for us.

Your purpose is no greater or less than someone else’s

In the kingdom of God, there is no hierarchy. Romans 12:3 underlines the critical need for each member of the body, stressing that no one holds lesser significance. Just as every utensil in a well-equipped kitchen plays a vital role, each person within the body of Christ is indispensable. Whether aluminum foil, parchment paper, cling wrap, or wax paper, their unique contributions collectively enrich the overall functionality of the kitchen. In the context of the body of Christ, it is paramount to not only acknowledge but also celebrate the distinct value each individual brings to the shared purpose of building the Kingdom of God.

The body of Christ is made complete in community

Much like the assorted yet essential items found in that kitchen drawer, the body of Christ achieves completeness when a diverse group pursues both their shared purpose and unique callings together. Each element, whether it’s aluminum foil, parchment paper, cling wrap, or wax paper, plays a distinct yet interdependent role, contributing to the collective purpose. Paul beautifully emphasizes this concept in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 when he states, ‘Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.’ He continues to remind us that each part is necessary and valuable. Just as our physical bodies operate with each part playing its role, the body of Christ requires every member to function at 100% capacity. While it may adapt and survive with missing parts, true thriving and growth occur when each part contributes its unique gifts to the kingdom at large. The body of Christ needs the gifts and talents that each of us have to offer in order to grow, thrive, and remain healthy. Pursuing our God-ordained purpose together ultimately becomes the catalyst for growth and thriving in the body of Christ.

Looking beyond that single disorganized drawer to all of the other disorganized drawers in my kitchen filled with a myriad of tools and gadgets, I find a beautiful reminder of the diverse yet complementary nature of the body of Christ. From the shared purpose that unites us to the unique callings that set us apart, each element plays a vital role in crafting a thriving and healthy community. Paul sums all of this up so well in Ephesians 4:1-6:

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call—one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

Just as our kitchen essentials work in harmony to bring our culinary dreams into reality, we, too, are called to work as one to bring God’s Kingdom to life. Together, pursuing our God-ordained purpose becomes the beginning of that Kingdom manifestation. How can you use the unique gifts God has placed within you to contribute to the shared purpose of building God’s Kingdom? In what ways can we further embrace the diversity around us to enhance the unity and impact of the body of Christ? Together, let’s pursue our shared purpose, celebrate each other’s unique role, and contribute our diverse gifts. It is then that the body of Christ will grow, flourish, and make a difference in the world.

*If you need help identifying your unique purpose or seeing your role in our shared purpose, check out my book, ‘Magic in the Mug.’ Its all about identifying your unique purpose by mining your stories, seeking God’s guidance, and learning from the journey of a single cup of coffee. Learn more, download a free chapter, or purchase a copy here.

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